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guriguri (Verse) My inspiration for adding this song is to show how I feel during my whole life.
7 hours ago on Reset by IVE
Squail (Bridge) The C5/G and C5 chords in measure 9 might be missing something, if you change them please explain why. Thanks!
14 hours ago on Blush by ZUTOMAYO
Haapsalu (Instrumental) This is practically the entire song
Yesterday on Joy of Remembrance - Celeste by Lena Raine
Valentyne (Chorus) I guess it's in the right key. If anyone wants to put it in Eb Phrygian dominant, go ahead. PS: I love the space and star theme of this [ ... ]
Yesterday on Get Into It (Yuh) by Doja Cat
abella (Chorus) Such a cool progression
Yesterday on Everything I Need by MALINDA
Valentyne (Intro) Funny and interesting that this song is titled "Streets" but said word is not mentioned in the entire track except for the phrase 'Like [ ... ]
Yesterday on Streets by Doja Cat
Valentyne (Chorus) Wow, so many songs that Doja made and I barely knew 4 of her until 2021. I wish in South America there was a radio where they play pure [ ... ]
Yesterday on Cyber Sex by Doja Cat
Valentyne (Chorus) Someone else add lyrics to this one plz. It's a bit hard hehe
Yesterday on Rules by Doja Cat
Valentyne (Chorus) How could this song be forgotten? Oh, I was expecting this to be the outro song from the movie "Birds of Prey" instead of 'Diamonds' by [ ... ]
Yesterday on Boss Bitch (from Birds of Prey) by Doja Cat
Valentyne (Chorus) P3RR4 P451V4 XD
Yesterday on Bottom Bitch by Doja Cat
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